
fredag 31 mars 2017

Looking for Alaska week 13 and 14

Looking for Alaska – assignment week 13  
1. You have read until page 45, the four first chapter. Please answer in writing the questions below. (8B – write your answers in a word-document and post it on OneNote. Name the “page”: Week 13 chapters 1-4) (Time: 20 min)  
Write three things that you know about Miles.  
Write three things that you know about his roommate Chip Martin.  
Write three things that you know about Alaska.  
Write three things that you know about the boarding school (students, teachers, what it looks like etc.)  
2. Prepare yourself for your role – discussion leader, summarizer, creative connector, character tracer. You will record your presentations and discussions on both a Dictaphone but also on OneNote. The discussion leader begins by asking first the summarizer, secondly the character tracer and last the creative connector to present what he or she has prepared. The group ends the recording by answering questions that the discussion leader has prepared.  (Time: 20 min)  
You can always talk about: what you liked, what you disliked, what puzzled you (did not really understand) and what the story reminds you of (another film, another book, an article, etc. )  
3. We are looking forward to listening to your fantastic discussions on Friday.  
4. Week 14 – read during the lessons on Wednesday and Thursday until page 88. On Friday, in pairs, you will read a page and look closely into different grammar aspects i.e irregular verbs, prepositions… etc.   

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